The pea were cultivated at the high land areas that can be absorbed and collected important
heavy metals which potentially important to human health. The current study determined the
concentration of potentially important metals from soil and pea samples that grown in high land
farmland and used to people. Essential elements required for nutrition of crop plants some of
these trace elements are Fe, Mn, Zn,and Cu. A reduction in their concentration in soils results
in unhealthy low intake by plants and consequently domestic animals and human beings.
From the analysis the range the concentration level of copper maximum mean concentration is
182.433 ± 5 and minimum mean concentration 4.977± 0.212, zinc maximum mean concentration
is 1.97 ± 0.97 and minimum mean concentration 0.663± 0.0.04, Iron maximum mean
concentration is 8.72 ± 0.30 and minimum mean concentration 2.802 ± 00.172, Manganes
maximum mean concentration is 1.852 ± 0.079 and minimum mean concentration 0.526± 0.024
except manganes the other three are within the permissible limit of WHO .which implies that the
concerned body should consider the amount since the accumulation of manganes causes poor
bone health and symptoms resembling Parkinson disease.