The main objective of this study was to investigate the Determinant of Employee performance in
The case of Mojana Wedera Werda Public Sector. To accomplish the aforementioned objectives,
the study used a quantitative research approach and employing survey techniques to collect
pertinent data through questionnaires from primary sources. A total of 1351 study subjects were
targeted, of which 309 samples were selected using a stratified random sampling technique. Out
of all questionnaires distributed to sample respondents, only 301 questionnaires were properly
filled and used for data analysis. The reliability of the instrument is evaluated through the
Cronbach alpha test, and the respondents' responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics,
correlation, and regression analysis. The results indicate that organizational commitment,
training, employee empowerment, and work motivation have significant positive effects on
employee performance. Considering the results, the study recommends as follows. Firstly, the
public sector offices in the study area should invest in fostering organizational commitment
through creating a supportive work environment and aligning employee values with
organizational goals. Secondly, they may consider intrinsic motivation by recognizing
achievements, providing challenging tasks, setting clear goals, and fostering a passion for work.
Thirdly, the offices better continuing to prioritize training initiatives to enhance job-related skills
and competencies. Lastly, empowering employees by granting autonomy, encouraging initiative,
and fostering accountability needs to be considered by the public offices. Additionally, the study
emphasizes the importance of recognition, appropriate rewards, aligning individual
performance with organizational objectives, and providing constructive feedback to drive
motivation and performance effectively